Delegates at the ‘Life in Extreme Environments’ workshop
Following a very successful Launch Event on April 8 2013, we then held a set of “Plenary Events”. The topics for these meetings were chosen to provide critical cross-length-scale challenges whilst at the same time also provide tractable problems that may be amenable to cross-disciplinary approaches involving partnerships between physicists and biologists. At these meetings we asked the community to begin the process of drawing up a strategic roadmap for understanding the Physics of Life. The meetings were designed to provide a fertile atmosphere for creative thought, with keynote talks by international leaders whose brief is to address broad questions in a provocative fashion.
One of the central goals of the Plenary Events was to generate ideas for a series of eight Focussed Workshops that will provide our main focus for the remainder of the Network. These Workshops will provide an opportunity to build new partnerships that will, we hope, provide a basis for seeking substantial new research grants from research councils.