10 April 2018
BMA House, Snow and Paget Room, London Workshop Chairs: Steve Smye, Jamie Hobbs and Simon Hanna |
BMA House |
Tuesday 10 April |
9.30-10.00 |
Registration |
10.00 |
Welcome and Introduction (from Rebecca Fitzgerald and Jamie Hobbs) |
10.10 |
Why do rigid tumours contain soft cancer cells? Josef Käs (Soft Matter Physics Division, University of Liepzig) |
10.50 |
Funding opportunities (Cancer Research UK, EPSRC, MRC) |
11.10 |
Refreshment break |
Session 1 |
Understanding metastasis |
11.30 |
The Clinical Challenge, David Cameron (University of Edinburgh, Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre) |
12.00 |
Migration, Invasion and Metastasis, Laura Machesky (Cancer Research UK, Glasgow Centre, Beatson Institute) |
Session 2 |
Early Detection (chaired by Simon Hanna) |
12.30 |
Early detection in the clinic, Rebecca Fitzgerald (MRC Cancer Unit, University of Cambridge) |
13.00 |
Lunch and networking |
13.45 |
Single cancer cell physics, Steve Evans (Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Leeds) |
14.15 |
Session 3 |
Overcoming the challenge of resistance (Chaired by Steve Smye) |
14.45 |
15.15 |
Exploiting evolution to design better cancer therapies, Alexander Anderson (Moffitt Cancer Centre, USA) |
15.55 |
Refreshment break |
Session 4 |
Developing Collaborations (Chaired group sessions) Meeting attendees to split into groups |
16.10 |
Group 1: Early Detection |
16.10 |
Group 2: Understanding Metastasis |
16.10 |
Group 3: Overcoming Resistance |
16.50 |
Summary feedback and next steps, including sandpit proposals |
17.00 |
Workshop close |