We invite Network members to apply for small consumable grants (£5k) to help pump prime new research involving physicists and those working in the life sciences (biology or biomedical). The aim of these small grants is to support researchers to develop new interdisciplinary research questions, create new contacts and collaborations and produce proof of concept data that can go on to support larger grant applications to research councils.
Funding availability
The maximum award available for pump priming funds is £5K. Pump priming can be linked sandpit events or workshops that PoLnet3 have previously supported.
How to apply
The call for Pump Priming has now ended.
Selection Procedure
Once an application has been received, the completed application will be circulated to the PoLNET3 steering group for comment. High quality ideas which are aligned to PoLNET aims (i.e. strong evidence of collaboration between physics and biology or medicine) and consideration of value for money will be among the criteria for success. In your applications, please use clear evidence of interdisciplinarity between these disciplines, anticipated outputs and the development of excellent collaborative relationships. It is aimed that a decision will be made within one month of the application being submitted.