Launch Meeting
Plenary eventsSummer SchoolsFinal Summit
Focussed workshops
1: The Physics of Bacterial Infection
27-28 March 2014 2: Forces in Biology 19-20 Marah 2014 3: Life in Extreme Environments 10-11 November 2014 4: The Physics of Cancer 19-20 May 2015 5: Information Flow in Biological Systems 1-2 July 2015 6: Pattern Formation and Morphogenesis 10-11 September 2015 7: Compartmentalisation & Confinement in Biological Systems 21-22 September 2015 8: Physics of Bacterial Biofilms 6-7 January 2016 9: Sandpit on Understanding the Physics of Cancer 16-17 Feb 2016 Vertical Divider