9-10 December 2019 IoP London Workshop Chair: Pietro Cicuta
Workshop Overview
A multidisciplinary meeting now in its fifth edition, aiming to showcase and discuss recent discoveries that are radically changing the picture of gene and chromatin regulation, as system-level organisational mechanisms emerge to play key roles. We welcome contributions exploiting quantitative approaches both in experiment and modelling, from biology and medicine to chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. This edition will have a focussed session on communities. Other topics will include cellular decision-making (cell division, death, differentiation, plasticity), single cell and population physiology, chromatin & protein machines (molecular focus), stem cells, development (tissues and organism), high-throughput genomics, large-scale views of the regulatory code, chromatin and epigenetics.
The registration fee includes refreshments and lunch and all event material. The following fees apply to those paying online with a credit or debit card. Before or on 28 October From 29 October IOP Member / Co-sponsor £100 £150 Associate Member* £50 £100 Undergraduate Student Non Member £75 £125 Non Member £225 £275 *Please note, there is a higher fee for those wishing to pay by cheque or BACS.
Accommodation is not included the registration fee. Please visit visitlondon.com for more information. Venue: Institute of Physics, 37 Calendonian Road, King's Cross, London, N1 9BU, UK