Registration is now open for our first Summer School, which will be held at the University of Lancaster. The School is aimed at early stage researchers – particularly PhD students and postdoctoral workers. It will run from lunch-time on July 14 to lunch-time on July 18, and as well as an intensive scientific programme covering a broad spectrum of topics in biological physics (including five plenary lectures and a series of tutorial lectures), it will provide opportunities for all attendees to present their work through poster and flash presentations and a variety of activities focussed on career development and broadening skills.
The Summer School will encompass experiment and theory, and address a broad spectrum of important topics including microscopy, organisation, ecology, spectroscopy, single molecules, cells, collective behaviour, forces and membranes. We hope it will provide an opportunity for researchers to immerse themselves in state-of-the-art expertise in an intensive environment, giving them with a broad and deep cross-disciplinary framework from within which to approach the Physics of Life.
The Summer School is heavily subsidised by the Network, and the registration fee of £250 includes accommodation and all meals. Register online.
The Summer School will begin with lunch on Monday July 14 and end with lunch on Friday 18 July. The Summer School Programme can be downloaded as a pdf file.
Please see the travel information section (within Visitor information) of Merton’s website for full directions and maps on accessing the college and The TS Elliot Lecture Theatre.