22-23 June 2022
Co-sponsored by:
Day One |
22 June 2022 |
09:00 |
Registration |
09:20 |
Opening remark (David Sampson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, University of Surrey) |
Session I |
Studying Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens I chaired by Graham Stewart (University of Surrey) |
9.30 |
[Keynote] Jost Enninga (Institute Pasteur, France) - Intracellular niche formation of entero-invasive bacterial pathogens |
10.30 |
Suzie Hingley-Wilson (University of Surrey) - Life and Death on the inside: Targeting mycobacterial survival mechanisms |
11:00 |
Break and discussion |
Session II |
Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging I chaired by Danny Beste (University of Surrey) |
11.30 |
Hesper Rego (Yale University, USA) - Studying mycobacterial infections, one cell at a time |
12.00 |
Anna Dumitriu (University of Surrey) - The role of art in exploring and engaging audiences in cutting edge methods in bioscience |
13.00 |
Lunch, posters and BioArt exhibition |
Session III |
Mass Spectrometry chaired by Melanie Bailey (University of Surrey) |
14.30 |
Melanie Bailey (University of Surrey, UK) - Novel approaches for the spatially resolved analysis of tissues and single cells |
15.00 |
15.30 |
Andy West (GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Medicines Research Centre) - Single Live Cell Mass Spectrometry analysis in the context of drug discovery |
16.00 |
Break |
16.30 |
Claire Davison (University of Surrey) - How far can we expand the boundaries of laser ablation technology for biological sample analysis? |
16.45 |
Kyle Saunders (University of Surrey) - Optimisation of Single Cell Lipidomics Methods Using Mass Spectrometry |
17.00 |
Discussion |
18.00 |
Networking Dinner at Lakeside Restaurant (for in person attendees) |
Day Two |
23 June 2022 |
09:00 |
Registration |
Session IV |
Studying Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens II chaired by Suzie Hingley-Wilson (University of Surrey) |
9.30 |
[Keynote] Digby Warner (Uni. of Cape Town, South Africa) - Seeing is believing: combining imaging and molecular tools to elucidate cellular and genetic function in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. |
10.30 |
Fernando Martinez Estrada (University of Surrey) - Foam cells in Tuberculosis |
11:00 |
Break |
Session V |
Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging II chaired by Youngchan Kim (University of Surrey) |
11.30 |
Paul French (Imperial College London) - Multidimensional fluorescence imaging across the scales |
12.00 |
Sumeet Mahajan (University of Southampton) - Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Detection of Bacterial Strains and AMR |
12.30 |
Discussion |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Session VI |
Mathematical and Computational Analysis chaired by Richard Sear (University of Surrey) |
14.00 |
Richard Sear (University of Surrey) - Molecular transport and drug delivery: any antibiotic molecule not touching its target is wasted |
14.30 |
Katharina Nöh (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany) - Computer age 13C metabolic flux analysis: current status and future directions |
15.00 |
Discussion |
15:30 |
Closing and discussion led by Mark Chambers |