18-19 December Corpus Christi, Cambridge Workshop Chair: Pietro Cicuta
This meeting is part of a a series of Focussed Workshops delivered through the EPSRC NetworkPlus in ‘Understanding the Physics of Life 2’.
Workshop overview: This multidisciplinary meeting, now in its fourth edition, aims to showcase and discuss recent discoveries that are radically changing the picture of gene and chromatin regulation, as system-level organisational mechanisms emerge to play key roles. We welcome contributions exploiting quantitative approaches both in experiment and modelling, from biology and medicine to chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. Topics will include cellular decision-making (cell division, death, differentiation, plasticity), single cell and population physiology, chromatin & protein machines (molecular focus), stem cells, development (tissues and organism), high-throughput genomics, large-scale views of the regulatory code, chromatin and epigenetics.
Who should attend?
We invite participation by academic, industrial and clinical scientists in the UK who are interested in the central goal of generating new collaborative research interactions at the physical/life sciences interface focussed on this subject area.
Abstract submission deadline: 2 September 2017 Registration deadline: 11 December 2017