In 2017, the Physics of Life Network was awarded a consumable budget of £170 K to support the UK Biological Physics community. We used this money, and where appropriate worked hard to seek co-funding, over the 3 years (2017-2020) to deliver:
19 workshops
3 Town Meetings
9 sandpit events
2 Early Career Research Summer Schools (each 1 week in length)
11 undergraduate project student bursaries
3 pump priming projects
The network lobbied hard to create a funding stream relevant to the Biological Physics community. This resulted in £30M of investment into the ‘Physics of Life Collaboration fund’ supported by UKRI and the research councils (EPSRC, BBSRC and MRC). We are greatly indebted to the research councils and academic community who have invested their time to engage and support this continually growing network community. We are delighted that the network will continue into a third phase in 2020 so that we can continue with our hard work.