13.30 |
Tom McLeish FRS (PoLNET3 chair, University of York), Martin Cann (PoLNET3 co- chair, Durham University) and Steve Smye (PoLNET3 co-chair and Physics of Medicine chair, University of Leeds and KCL) Welcome and Introduction |
13.45 |
UKRI (EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC) and Wellcome Funding opportunities for the UK Physics of Life community |
Session one |
Chaired by Steve Smye and Susan Short |
14.00 |
Fiona Watt (Executive Chair of the Medical Research Council), King's College London, Investigating exit from the stem cell compartment in human epidermis |
14.25 |
Graham Leggett (University of Sheffield) It’s quantum biology, Jim, but not as we know it |
14.45 |
Patrick Maxwell (Regius Professor of Physic, University of Cambridge) Intersections between physics and life sciences; why do they matter, and how can we enhance them? |
15.05 |
Bill Bialek (Princeton University) Taking theory seriously |
15.25 |
Questions with panel discussion |
15.45 |
Refreshment break |
Session Two |
Chaired by Tom McLeish and Olwyn Byron |
15.55 |
Julia Yeomans (University of Oxford) Mechanobiology and active matter |
16.15 |
Mark Leake (University of York), B Biology matters in biology matter: developing new physics to understand condensed liquid states seen in living cells |
16.35 |
Agnes Noy (University of York) Modelling DNA in complex 3D arrangements |
16.55 |
Matthias Ruth (Pro-VC University of York) Physics of 'life as we know it', and as we may not. |
17.05 |
Questions with panel discussion |
17.25 |
Meeting close from Tom McLeish |
17.30 |
Virtual meeting social meet and greet - via Wonder (link provided within meeting) |