8-10 July 2019
The Francis Crick Institute, London Organisers: Bhavin Khatri, Ard Louis and Tom McLeish FRS |
Day 1 |
Monday 8 July |
10.30 |
Registration with Tea and Coffee |
10.50 |
Welcome from organisers |
Session 1 |
Evolution of Pathogens and Cancer |
11.00 |
Invited Talk: Jamie Blundell, University of Cambridge "The Evolutionary Dynamics and Fitness Landscape of Somatic Mutations in our Blood" |
12.00 |
Contributed Talk: Anthony Webster, University of Oxford 'Multi-stage models of cancer and disease' |
12.30 |
Lunch with Poster Session |
14.00 |
Invited Talk: Rosalind Allen, University of Edinburgh, 'Phenotypic delay and its possible consequences for evolutionary dynamics' |
15.00 |
Contributed Talk: Richard Bingham, University of York, 'Evolution through the lens of viruses' |
15.30 |
Refreshment break |
16.00 |
Contributed talk: Samra Turajlic, Institute of Cancer Research London, 'Principles of kidney cancer evolution' |
16.30 |
Workshop discussion from session one |
Day 2 |
Tuesday 9 July |
Session 2 |
Emergence in genotype-phenotype maps – are there universal statistical properties to GP maps and can these be used to provide more quantitative predictions of the course of evolution? |
9.00 |
Invited Talk: Paulien Hogeweg, Utrecht University, 'Evolution of coding structure and the shape and functionality of mutational neighborhoods' |
10.00 |
Contributed Talk: Victor Jouffrey, University of Cambridge, 'Effect of Gene Duplication in Protein Self-Assembly GP-Map' |
10.30 |
Contributed Talk: Zachary Ardern, Technical University of Munich, 'Gene birth and overprinting physicists needed for progress' |
11.00 |
Refreshment Break |
11.30 |
Contributed Talk: Sam Greenbury, Imperial College 'Inferring high-dimensional pathways of trait acquisition in evolution and disease' |
12.00 |
Workshop discussion from Session Two |
13.00 |
Lunch |
Session 3 |
Non-equilibrium statistical physics of evolution: analogies and beyond |
14.00 |
Invited Talk: Susanne Still, University of Hawaii “Thermodynamics of adaptive information processing” |
15.00 |
Contributed Talk: Jacob Cook, Imperial Collge London, 'Evolution of complex systems: thermodynamics of switching in multistable systems' |
15.30 |
Refreshment Break |
16.00 |
Contributed Talk: Halim Kusumaatmaja, Durham University, 'Learning dynamical information from static ensemble data' |
16.30 |
Workshop discussion from Session 3 |
17.30 |
End of Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 3: Wednesday 10 July |
Session 4 |
Experimental evolution |
9.00 |
Santiago Elena, Universitat de València & Santa Fe Institute “Experimental evolution of RNA viruses in fluctuating fitness landscapes” |
10.00 |
Contributed Talk: Diego Simon, University de la republica Uruguay, 'Understanding evolutionary processes in viral populations through information theory and simulations' |
10.30 |
Refreshment Break |
11.00 |
Contributed Talk: Martin Sweatman, university of Edinburgh, The emerging physics of giant SALR clusters |
11.30 |
Workshop discussion from Session four |
12.30 |
Workshop Close |